Fri November 18, 2011
USAgain recently announced a partnership with the Forest Preserve District of Will County that includes installing green-and-white clothes collection bins at 18 preserves throughout the county.
"We are thrilled to partner with the Forest Preserve District of Will County," said USAgain CEO Mattias Wallander. "Their commitment to preserving and protecting the county's natural heritage dovetails with USAgain's commitment to environmental sustainability."
USAgain's collection bins give residents a chance to dispose of unwanted clothing, shoes and other textiles in an eco-friendly way, Wallander said. According to the EPA, 12.7 million tons of textile waste is generated each year, but only 15 percent of it is collected for reuse and recycling. The remainder goes into landfills.
"The Forest Preserve District of Will County is committed to conservation, and adding textile recycling, particularly with collection bins placed at preserves all around the county to make it convenient for residents to recycle, enhances this ethic in a very positive way," said Cory Singer, president of the Forest Preserve Board of Commissioners.
USAgain will compensate the Forest Preserve District of Will County for each pound of clothing collected.
Residents can deposit unwanted clothing, shoes and other textiles in USAgain drop boxes. USAgain will service each bin at least once per week, or more as needed.
For drop box locations, visit