Triton College alumnus represents USAgain at Green Business Forum

Fri October 26, 2012

Triton College alumnus Carlo Cavallaro, USAgain's Director of Government Affairs/Senior Legal Counsel, returned for the Sustainability Center's first-ever Green Business Forum on Thursday, October 25, 2012. The event included business representatives and presentations from Consolidated Printing, DSC Logistics, Green Home Experts, and USAgain, showing the companies' commitments to running sustainable businesses.

"I was very happy to return to Triton College as an alumni to see that a couple dozen people had braved plummeting temperatures and intermittent downpours to view four green business presentations and engage in a very lively discussion," said Cavallaro.

The event, held at the Student Center on Triton College's River Grove campus, included an open panel discussion with the community to consider green products and services, discuss challenges to running a sustainable business, and highlight rewards from operating a green company.

Carlo Triton College 2012