Fri January 10, 2014
Read the original story on University City Patch
While recent temperatures in the area fluctuated from completely frigid to wickedly cold, kids at the Boys & Girls Club of St. Louis were prepared for the harshness of winter thanks to USAgain, a textile recycling company with a local office in the city.
Earlier this winter, the club received a donation of 250 winter coats from USAgain. The coats were collected throughout fall months at USAgain’s textile recycling bins around the city.
“We cannot express how grateful we are for the coat donations to our organization. Our families, and many people, can take clothing for granted—until they are in need or without,” said Marvin Crumer of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater St. Louis. “Your generous donation helped our families at a critical time of the year where they are definitely needed.”
This is the second straight winter USAgain has warmed up St. Louis families with gently used coats, and the company looks forward to future endeavors with the Club.
“We collect all kinds of clothing throughout the year, including winter coats,” said Mattias Wallander, CEO of USAgain. “It makes all the sense in the world to pass winter coats along to those in need, especially during a winter as cold as this year’s.”